FVF Annual Meeting – September 25, 2016


Sunday, September 25 at 1:00 p.m.

At the Red Barn, Valley Falls Park, 345 Valley Falls Rd, Vernon.

The “Bear” Facts at Valley Falls
A presentation on “Black Bears in Connecticut”

by Paul Colburn, Master Wildlife Conservationist

Would you like to get the “bear” facts about the black bears that were roaming the Valley Falls hillsides this spring? Join us for our annual meeting and presentation by Paul Colburn, Master Wildlife Conservationist (MWC), on “Black Bears in Connecticut.” Mr. Coburn will talk about the natural history of black bears in the state, and their habitat, diet, behavior, and reproduction. He will also talk about current research efforts and how to coexist with our black bear population. A display table with various bear artifacts will be available. The talk is intended for ages 12 and up.

Paul Colburn is a certified Master Wildlife Conservationist and a graduate of an interesting program at the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection called the Master Wildlife Conservationist Program. The program trains participants in the fields of wildlife management, natural history and interpretation.


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